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Updated: Apr 11, 2023

Imagine you're an alien.

And you’re buying a ticket to a moment on earth inside of this human body.

This is a great luxury of an experience, and a huge investment for you. It is one of the most decadent of encounters with many-textured consciousness

… and you choose to come and visit here because this place offers to you the sensuous opulence of a multidimensional being in physical incarnation occupying the nexus-point between physicality and god-dreams…

This is hedonism. Real f**king hedonism… because most of what people call hedonism isn’t actually full pleasure on all levels in all aspects.. Because the idea of pleasure so expansive, so interpenetrating, with no cost… is something we struggle to comprehend as possible.

But my darling dearest darling, it is F*CKING possible.

Like, people drinking alcohol, taking drugs, this idea that feeling that amazing is something only available to us in peak experience, and that there is always a catch, a come-down, a hangover… as if everytime we experience this level of bliss we need to exchange a piece of our future well-being for it. But this is a lie. This is false programming. We can step outside of it.

What I am offering, what I have come here to do… is to create psychic playgrounds for you to experience the intrinsic luxuriousness of your incarnation right now in this body on this earth in this time exactly. Because, some alien being somewhere would pay a f*ckton of money to get front row seats to what ever this delicious glorious complex experience is.

This is the vision that I hold, the frequency that i transmit, the musical drone that I embody that allows you to re-synchronise with your utmost eccentricity of real beingness.

What happens after we have healed… what if we stopped constantly pursuing the next thing to help us feel like we’re finally ‘better’.... What will the new paradigm contain, once we’ve morphed into a machine assisted society of consciousness expansion… What do we do with ourselves once struggling to survive is over?

I believe it is this anxiety that has kept us in a dysfunctional relationship with our own existence on a personal and a global level. We make it hard for ourselves, create global issues, mess with the environment, create wars... because we don’t know what to do with the time when it is easy. And we’re scared of it. We are so used to drama and we are given no alternative of what to do with this rambunctious intense energy.

But my dears, what we can do with it is ever-more detailed multi-dimensional expressive experimental creativity.

We can re-orientate around creation instead of destruction ,and make that transition of comprehension..

You want eternal growth? You want constant expansion?

Try the internal world, the expressive world, the art world.. There are always, always new corners of experience, new things to discover.. .the simultaneous frustration and beauty of science is that there will always be some mystery involved in it , we will never be able to explain everything. And we can have all of this without destroying the planet or each other to do so.


Truly expressive art, connecting with every single minute aspect of your context that makes this articulation the rare and irreplaceable moment it is.

..Shhh, listen, my darling, something is happening in the universe that has never happened before, and will never happen again. And that thing is you right now in this moment. Dive in - bask, revel, savour, appreciate… the wonder, the awe, of this happening.

You’re welcome.

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